Tickless Eco | Natural tick and flee repellent

Availability: In stock

Time to throw out all anti-tick and flea repellers that are full of chemicals that will only make your dog sick or cause allergic reactions.

TICKLESS ECOPET is a durable and natural tick and flea repellent.
It safely protects your pet from ticks and fleas without the use of toxins.

The device emits ultrasonic pulses that are imperceptible to humans and animals but disrupt ticks, keeping them at bay. It is easy to use: just attach the small device to your pet's collar or harness and it will keep parasites away for at least 6 months after activation, allowing you to enjoy nature carefree.

This ECO version is also biodegradable.

Keep in mind for optimal effects that your dog needs to wear the Tickless the whole time, also inside.

TIP: combine with our BugFree Spray

